object F_compose: TF_compose Left = 186 Top = 164 AutoScroll = False Caption = 'Compose' ClientHeight = 446 ClientWidth = 762 Color = clBtnFace Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] KeyPreview = True Menu = MainMenu1 OldCreateOrder = True Position = poDefault Visible = True OnClose = FormClose OnCloseQuery = FormCloseQuery OnCreate = FormCreate OnDestroy = FormDestroy OnKeyDown = FormKeyDown OnResize = FormResize OnShow = FormShow PixelsPerInch = 96 TextHeight = 13 object StatusBar: TStatusBar Left = 0 Top = 429 Width = 762 Height = 17 Panels = < item Width = 50 end item Width = 500 end> ParentFont = True SimplePanel = False UseSystemFont = False end object Dock971: TDock97 Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 762 Height = 48 BoundLines = [blTop, blBottom, blLeft, blRight] LimitToOneRow = True OnChevronClick = Dock971ChevronClick object ToolBar: TToolBarExpress2 Left = 0 Top = 0 Caption = 'Compose Toolbar' DockPos = 0 FullSize = True ParentShowHint = False ShowHint = True TabOrder = 0 OnDockChanged = ToolBarDockChanged RegKey = 'Software\Aerofox\Foxmail\FoxToolbar\Compose' Grayed = False OnIconSizeChanging = ToolBarIconSizeChanging OnLoadState = ToolBarLoadState OnReset = ToolBarReset object SB_send: TToolbarButton97 Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 58 Height = 42 Hint = 'Send immediatly' Caption = 'Send' ImageIndex = 24 Images = DM_Language.IL_TB24_Normal HotImages = DM_Language.IL_TB24_Hot DisabledImages = DM_Language.IL_TB24_Gray LeftJustify = False ShowCaptionRight = True Layout = blGlyphTop OnClick = SB_sendClick end object SB_queue: TToolbarButton97 Tag = 1 Left = 116 Top = 0 Width = 58 Height = 42 Hint = 'Save as a queued message to send' Caption = 'Queue' ImageIndex = 25 Images = DM_Language.IL_TB24_Normal HotImages = DM_Language.IL_TB24_Hot DisabledImages = DM_Language.IL_TB24_Gray LeftJustify = False ShowCaptionRight = False Layout = blGlyphTop OnClick = SB_sendClick end object SB_save: TToolbarButton97 Tag = 2 Left = 174 Top = 0 Width = 58 Height = 42 Hint = 'Save as draft' Caption = 'Save' ImageIndex = 27 Images = DM_Language.IL_TB24_Normal HotImages = DM_Language.IL_TB24_Hot DisabledImages = DM_Language.IL_TB24_Gray LeftJustify = False ShowCaptionRight = False Layout = blGlyphTop OnClick = SB_sendClick end object SB_attach: TToolbarButton97 Left = 238 Top = 0 Width = 58 Height = 42 Hint = 'Attach File...' Caption = 'Attach' ImageIndex = 28 Images = DM_Language.IL_TB24_Normal HotImages = DM_Language.IL_TB24_Hot DisabledImages = DM_Language.IL_TB24_Gray LeftJustify = False ShowCaptionRight = True Layout = blGlyphTop OnClick = SB_attachClick end object SB_undo: TToolbarButton97 Left = 888 Top = 0 Width = 58 Height = 42 Hint = 'Undo' Caption = 'Undo' ImageIndex = 29 Images = DM_Language.IL_TB24_Normal HotImages = DM_Language.IL_TB24_Hot DisabledImages = DM_Language.IL_TB24_Gray LeftJustify = False ShowCaptionRight = False Layout = blGlyphTop Visible = False OnClick = M_undoClick end object SB_redo: TToolbarButton97 Left = 656 Top = 0 Width = 58 Height = 42 Hint = 'Redo' Caption = 'Redo' ImageIndex = 30 Images = DM_Language.IL_TB24_Normal HotImages = DM_Language.IL_TB24_Hot DisabledImages = DM_Language.IL_TB24_Gray LeftJustify = False ShowCaptionRight = False Layout = blGlyphTop Visible = False OnClick = M_redoClick end object SB_cut: TToolbarButton97 Left = 714 Top = 0 Width = 58 Height = 42 Hint = 'Cut' Caption = 'Cut' ImageIndex = 31 Images = DM_Language.IL_TB24_Normal HotImages = DM_Language.IL_TB24_Hot DisabledImages = DM_Language.IL_TB24_Gray LeftJustify = False ShowCaptionRight = False Layout = blGlyphTop Visible = False OnClick = SB_cutClick end object SB_copy: TToolbarButton97 Tag = 1 Left = 772 Top = 0 Width = 58 Height = 42 Hint = 'Copy' Caption = 'Copy' ImageIndex = 32 Images = DM_Language.IL_TB24_Normal HotImages = DM_Language.IL_TB24_Hot DisabledImages = DM_Language.IL_TB24_Gray LeftJustify = False ShowCaptionRight = False Layout = blGlyphTop Visible = False OnClick = SB_cutClick end object SB_paste: TToolbarButton97 Tag = 2 Left = 830 Top = 0 Width = 58 Height = 42 Hint = 'Paste' Caption = 'Paste' ImageIndex = 33 Images = DM_Language.IL_TB24_Normal HotImages = DM_Language.IL_TB24_Hot DisabledImages = DM_Language.IL_TB24_Gray LeftJustify = False ShowCaptionRight = False Layout = blGlyphTop Visible = False OnClick = SB_cutClick end object SPB_find: TToolbarButton97 Left = 946 Top = 0 Width = 58 Height = 42 Hint = 'Search' Caption = 'Find' ImageIndex = 34 Images = DM_Language.IL_TB24_Normal HotImages = DM_Language.IL_TB24_Hot DisabledImages = DM_Language.IL_TB24_Gray LeftJustify = False ShowCaptionRight = False Layout = blGlyphTop Visible = False OnClick = M_findClick end object SPB_replace: TToolbarButton97 Left = 1004 Top = 0 Width = 58 Height = 42 Hint = 'Replace' Caption = 'Replace' ImageIndex = 35 Images = DM_Language.IL_TB24_Normal HotImages = DM_Language.IL_TB24_Hot DisabledImages = DM_Language.IL_TB24_Gray LeftJustify = False ShowCaptionRight = False Layout = blGlyphTop Visible = False OnClick = M_replaceClick end object SPB_repeat: TToolbarButton97 Left = 1062 Top = 0 Width = 58 Height = 42 Hint = 'Repeat' Caption = 'Repeat' ImageIndex = 36 Images = DM_Language.IL_TB24_Normal HotImages = DM_Language.IL_TB24_Hot DisabledImages = DM_Language.IL_TB24_Gray LeftJustify = False ShowCaptionRight = False Layout = blGlyphTop Visible = False OnClick = M_repeatClick end object SPB_SpellCheck: TToolbarButton97 Left = 360 Top = 0 Width = 58 Height = 42 Hint = 'Spell|' Caption = 'Spell Check' ImageIndex = 43 Images = DM_Language.IL_TB24_Normal HotImages = DM_Language.IL_TB24_Hot DisabledImages = DM_Language.IL_TB24_Gray LeftJustify = False ShowCaptionRight = True Layout = blGlyphTop OnClick = M_SpellCheckClick end object SB_ActiveAccount: TToolbarButton97 Left = 476 Top = 0 Width = 58 Height = 42 Hint = 'ActiveAccount|' DropdownAlways = True DropdownMenu = PM_Accounts Caption = 'ActiveAccount' ImageIndex = 42 Images = DM_Language.IL_TB24_Normal HotImages = DM_Language.IL_TB24_Hot DisabledImages = DM_Language.IL_TB24_Gray LeftJustify = False ShowCaptionRight = False Layout = blGlyphTop end object SB_headers: TToolbarButton97 Left = 296 Top = 0 Width = 58 Height = 42 Hint = 'Other message headers' DropdownAlways = True DropdownMenu = M_headers Caption = 'Headers' ImageIndex = 37 Images = DM_Language.IL_TB24_Normal HotImages = DM_Language.IL_TB24_Hot DisabledImages = DM_Language.IL_TB24_Gray LeftJustify = False ShowCaptionRight = False Layout = blGlyphTop end object SB_checkaddress: TToolbarButton97 Left = 418 Top = 0 Width = 58 Height = 42 Hint = 'Verify the addresses' Caption = 'Check Addr' ImageIndex = 38 Images = DM_Language.IL_TB24_Normal HotImages = DM_Language.IL_TB24_Hot DisabledImages = DM_Language.IL_TB24_Gray LeftJustify = False ShowCaptionRight = True Layout = blGlyphTop OnClick = SB_checkaddressClick end object SB_selectaddress: TToolbarButton97 Left = 1178 Top = 0 Width = 58 Height = 42 Hint = 'Select from address book' Caption = 'Select address' ImageIndex = 39 Images = DM_Language.IL_TB24_Normal HotImages = DM_Language.IL_TB24_Hot DisabledImages = DM_Language.IL_TB24_Gray LeftJustify = False ShowCaptionRight = False Layout = blGlyphTop Visible = False OnClick = ImgToClick end object SB_loadtext: TToolbarButton97 Left = 1120 Top = 0 Width = 58 Height = 42 Hint = 'Paste from file...' Caption = 'Loadtext' ImageIndex = 40 Images = DM_Language.IL_TB24_Normal HotImages = DM_Language.IL_TB24_Hot DisabledImages = DM_Language.IL_TB24_Gray LeftJustify = False ShowCaptionRight = False Layout = blGlyphTop Visible = False OnClick = SB_loadtextClick end object SB_addressbook: TToolbarButton97 Left = 540 Top = 0 Width = 58 Height = 42 Hint = 'Addressbook|' Caption = 'Address' ImageIndex = 41 Images = DM_Language.IL_TB24_Normal HotImages = DM_Language.IL_TB24_Hot DisabledImages = DM_Language.IL_TB24_Gray LeftJustify = False ShowCaptionRight = True Layout = blGlyphTop OnClick = SB_addressbookClick end object btnExpress: TToolbarButton97 Tag = 3 Left = 58 Top = 0 Width = 58 Height = 42 Hint = 'Send the message to recipient'#39's mailbox directly' Caption = 'Express' ImageIndex = 26 Images = DM_Language.IL_TB24_Normal HotImages = DM_Language.IL_TB24_Hot DisabledImages = DM_Language.IL_TB24_Gray LeftJustify = False ShowCaptionRight = True Layout = blGlyphTop OnClick = SB_sendClick end object TToolbarSep97 Left = 354 Top = 0 end object TToolbarSep97 Left = 232 Top = 0 end object SB_SMS: TToolbarButton97 Left = 598 Top = 0 Width = 58 Height = 42 Hint = 'Show SMS Bar' Caption = 'SMS' ImageIndex = 21 Images = DM_Language.IL_TB24_Normal HotImages = DM_Language.IL_TB24_Hot LeftJustify = False ShowCaptionRight = False Layout = blGlyphTop OnClick = M_Tools_SMSClick end object TToolbarSep97 Left = 534 Top = 0 end object SB_Handwrite: TToolbarButton97 Left = 1236 Top = 0 Width = 58 Height = 42 AllowAllUp = True GroupIndex = 1 Caption = 'Handwrite' Enabled = False ImageIndex = 66 Images = DM_Language.IL_TB24_Normal HotImages = DM_Language.IL_TB24_Hot DisabledImages = DM_Language.IL_TB24_Gray LeftJustify = False ShowCaptionRight = True OnClick = MI_Format_HandwriteClick end end end object Panel_Back: TPanel Left = 9 Top = 48 Width = 744 Height = 372 Align = alClient BevelOuter = bvNone Caption = 'Panel_Back' TabOrder = 2 object P_envelop: TPanel Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 744 Height = 137 Align = alTop BevelOuter = bvNone TabOrder = 0 object PaintBox: TPaintBox Left = 405 Top = 3 Width = 48 Height = 48 Hint = 'Set Messagea Priority' ParentShowHint = False ShowHint = True OnMouseDown = PaintBoxMouseDown OnPaint = PaintBoxPaint end object GIFAnimator: TGIFAnimator Left = 405 Top = 40 Width = 32 Height = 32 AutoSize = False Stretch = True PopupMenu = PM_FoxmailIcon OnMouseDown = GIFAnimatorMouseDown end object P_envtitle: TPanel Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 80 Height = 137 Align = alLeft BevelOuter = bvNone ParentColor = True TabOrder = 3 object L_subject: TLabel Left = 10 Top = 53 Width = 63 Height = 15 Alignment = taCenter AutoSize = False Caption = 'Subject:' Color = clBlack FocusControl = E_subject ParentColor = False Transparent = True end object L_replyto: TLabel Left = 8 Top = 104 Width = 65 Height = 13 Alignment = taCenter AutoSize = False Caption = 'Rep&lyTo:' FocusControl = E_replyto Visible = False end object L_from: TLabel Left = 8 Top = 88 Width = 65 Height = 13 Alignment = taCenter AutoSize = False Caption = 'F&rom:' FocusControl = E_from Visible = False end object BtnTo: TToolbarButton97 Left = 8 Top = 0 Width = 68 Height = 23 Caption = 'To:' LeftJustify = False ShowCaptionRight = False OnClick = ImgToClick end object BtnCC: TToolbarButton97 Left = 8 Top = 24 Width = 68 Height = 23 Caption = 'Cc:' LeftJustify = False ShowCaptionRight = False OnClick = ImgToClick end object BtnBcc: TToolbarButton97 Left = 8 Top = 112 Width = 68 Height = 23 Caption = 'Bcc:' LeftJustify = False ShowCaptionRight = False Visible = False OnClick = ImgToClick end end object E_subject: TEdit Left = 85 Top = 52 Width = 241 Height = 21 AutoSize = False Ctl3D = True ParentCtl3D = False TabOrder = 6 OnChange = E_toChange OnKeyDown = E_subjectKeyDown OnKeyPress = E_subjectKeyPress end object E_replyto: TEdit Left = 85 Top = 104 Width = 241 Height = 21 TabOrder = 5 Visible = False OnKeyDown = E_replytoKeyDown end object E_from: TEdit Left = 85 Top = 88 Width = 121 Height = 21 TabOrder = 4 Visible = False OnKeyDown = E_fromKeyDown end object CB_define: TComboBox Left = 360 Top = 75 Width = 89 Height = 21 Style = csDropDownList ItemHeight = 13 TabOrder = 7 Visible = False end object E_to: TZMemo Left = 85 Top = 2 Width = 244 Height = 21 ScrollBars = ssVertical TabOrder = 0 OnChange = E_toChange OnDblClick = E_toDblClick OnExit = E_toExit OnKeyDown = E_toKeyDown OnKeyPress = E_toKeyPress end object E_cc: TZMemo Left = 85 Top = 26 Width = 241 Height = 21 ScrollBars = ssVertical TabOrder = 1 OnChange = E_toChange OnDblClick = E_toDblClick OnKeyDown = E_ccKeyDown OnKeyPress = E_toKeyPress end object E_bcc: TZMemo Left = 85 Top = 112 Width = 113 Height = 21 ScrollBars = ssVertical TabOrder = 2 Visible = False OnDblClick = E_toDblClick OnKeyDown = E_bccKeyDown OnKeyPress = E_toKeyPress end end object OwnerPanel: TPanel Left = 0 Top = 137 Width = 744 Height = 235 Align = alClient BevelOuter = bvNone TabOrder = 1 object LV_attach: TListView Left = 0 Top = 170 Width = 744 Height = 65 Align = alBottom Columns = <> IconOptions.AutoArrange = True LargeImages = ILlarge MultiSelect = True ReadOnly = True PopupMenu = PM_attach SmallImages = ILsmall TabOrder = 0 Visible = False OnClick = LV_attachClick OnDblClick = LV_attachDblClick OnKeyDown = LV_attachKeyDown end object P_Sms: TPanel Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 744 Height = 26 Align = alTop BevelOuter = bvNone TabOrder = 1 Visible = False object lblSendto: TLabel Left = 176 Top = 4 Width = 40 Height = 13 Caption = 'Send to:' end object lblMessage: TLabel Left = 384 Top = 4 Width = 46 Height = 13 Caption = 'Message:' end object cmbAccounts: TComboBox Left = 8 Top = 2 Width = 145 Height = 22 Style = csOwnerDrawFixed ItemHeight = 16 TabOrder = 0 OnDrawItem = cmbAccountsDrawItem end object E_SmsBody: TEdit Left = 440 Top = 2 Width = 281 Height = 21 TabOrder = 1 end object E_SmsTo: TZEdit Left = 234 Top = 2 Width = 137 Height = 21 TabOrder = 2 end end object P_Content: TPanel Left = 0 Top = 26 Width = 744 Height = 144 Align = alClient BevelOuter = bvNone Caption = 'P_Content' TabOrder = 2 OnResize = P_ContentResize object SP_Handwrite: TSplitter Left = 0 Top = 60 Width = 744 Height = 5 Cursor = crVSplit Align = alTop MinSize = 1 OnMoved = SP_HandwriteMoved end object Handwrite: THandwrite Left = 0 Top = 65 Width = 744 Height = 79 Align = alClient BevelOuter = bvNone TabOrder = 0 Visible = False end object P_HtmlText: TPanel Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 744 Height = 60 Align = alTop BevelOuter = bvNone Caption = 'P_HtmlText' TabOrder = 1 object M_body: TZEditor Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 744 Height = 60 Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -12 Font.Name = '����' Font.Style = [] Align = alClient ParentColor = False PopupMenu = PM_editor Color = clBtnFace TabStop = True ScrollBars = ssBoth FullEditMode = True WordWrap = True PrintOptions = [poPageHeader, poPageNumber, poWordWrap] OnChange = M_bodyChange OnEnter = M_bodyEnter OnKeyDown = M_bodyKeyDown end end end end end object DockLeft: TDock97 Left = 0 Top = 48 Width = 9 Height = 372 BoundLines = [blTop, blBottom, blLeft, blRight] LimitToOneRow = True Position = dpLeft OnChevronClick = Dock971ChevronClick end object DockRight: TDock97 Left = 753 Top = 48 Width = 9 Height = 372 BoundLines = [blTop, blBottom, blLeft, blRight] LimitToOneRow = True Position = dpRight OnChevronClick = Dock971ChevronClick end object DockBottom: TDock97 Left = 0 Top = 420 Width = 762 Height = 9 BoundLines = [blTop, blBottom, blLeft, blRight] LimitToOneRow = True Position = dpBottom OnChevronClick = Dock971ChevronClick end object POPMenu: TPopupMenu Left = 12 Top = 232 object POP_High: TMenuItem Caption = '&High Priority' OnClick = POP_HighClick end object POP_normal: TMenuItem Caption = '&Normal Priority' OnClick = POP_HighClick end object POP_low: TMenuItem Caption = '&Low Priority' OnClick = POP_HighClick end end object M_headers: TPopupMenu AutoPopup = False Left = 320 Top = 8 object PM_from: TMenuItem Caption = '&Sender Address' OnClick = PM_replytoClick end object PM_replyto: TMenuItem Tag = 1 Caption = '&ReplyTo Address' OnClick = PM_replytoClick end object PM_bcc: TMenuItem Tag = 2 Caption = 'Blind CC (bcc)' OnClick = PM_replytoClick end end object MainMenu1: TMainMenu Images = DM_Language.IL_TB16_Normal Left = 72 Top = 286 object Msg1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Message' object M_Msg_send: TMenuItem Caption = 'S&end now...' ImageIndex = 24 OnClick = SB_sendClick end object M_Msg_Express: TMenuItem Tag = 3 Caption = 'Send E&xpress' ImageIndex = 26 OnClick = SB_sendClick end object MU_Save: TMenuItem Caption = '&Save' ImageIndex = 27 ShortCut = 16467 OnClick = MU_SaveClick end object M_msg_Queued: TMenuItem Tag = 1 Caption = 'Save &Queued' ImageIndex = 25 OnClick = SB_sendClick end object M_msg_save: TMenuItem Tag = 2 Caption = 'Save As &Draft' OnClick = SB_sendClick end object N18: TMenuItem Caption = '-' end object Saveas1: TMenuItem Caption = 'Save body as...' ImageIndex = 27 OnClick = Saveas1Click end object N2: TMenuItem Caption = '-' end object M_msg_attach: TMenuItem Caption = '&Attach file...' ImageIndex = 28 OnClick = SB_attachClick end object N21: TMenuItem Caption = '-' end object ClearMessageIcon2: TMenuItem Caption = '&Clear Message Icon' OnClick = ClearMessageIcon1Click end object LoadDefaultIcon2: TMenuItem Caption = '&Load Default Icon' OnClick = LoadDefaultIcon1Click end object M_msg_SelectIcon: TMenuItem Caption = 'Select Message &Icon...' OnClick = M_msg_SelectIconClick end object N1: TMenuItem Caption = '-' end object M_msg_close: TMenuItem Caption = '&Close' OnClick = M_msg_closeClick end end object M_Edit: TMenuItem Caption = '&Edit' OnClick = M_EditClick object M_undo: TMenuItem Caption = '&Undo' ImageIndex = 29 ShortCut = 16474 OnClick = M_undoClick end object M_redo: TMenuItem Caption = '&Redo' ImageIndex = 30 ShortCut = 16473 OnClick = M_redoClick end object N6: TMenuItem Caption = '-' end object M_cut: TMenuItem Caption = 'Cu&t' ImageIndex = 31 ShortCut = 16472 OnClick = SB_cutClick end object M_copy: TMenuItem Tag = 1 Caption = '&Copy' ImageIndex = 32 ShortCut = 16451 OnClick = SB_cutClick end object M_paste: TMenuItem Tag = 2 Caption = '&Paste' ImageIndex = 33 ShortCut = 16470 OnClick = SB_cutClick end object M_SelectAll: TMenuItem Caption = 'Select &All' ShortCut = 16449 OnClick = M_SelectAllClick end object MU_PasteFromFile: TMenuItem Caption = 'Paste From File' OnClick = MU_PasteFromFileClick end object N7: TMenuItem Caption = '-' end object M_find: TMenuItem Caption = '&Find...' ImageIndex = 34 ShortCut = 16454 OnClick = M_findClick end object M_repeat: TMenuItem Caption = 'Re&peat' ShortCut = 114 OnClick = M_repeatClick end object M_replace: TMenuItem Caption = 'R&eplace...' ImageIndex = 36 ShortCut = 16466 OnClick = M_replaceClick end object M_SpellCheck: TMenuItem Caption = '&Spell Check' ImageIndex = 43 OnClick = M_SpellCheckClick end object N13: TMenuItem Caption = '-' end object MU_DateTime: TMenuItem Caption = 'Date/Time' ShortCut = 116 OnClick = MU_DateTimeClick end end object M_View: TMenuItem Caption = '&View' OnClick = M_ViewClick object M_toolbar: TMenuItem Caption = '&Toolbar' OnClick = M_statusbarClick end object M_statusbar: TMenuItem Tag = 1 Caption = '&Statusbar' OnClick = M_statusbarClick end object MU_ToolBarSetup: TMenuItem Caption = 'Tool&Bar Setup' ImageIndex = 89 OnClick = MU_ToolBarSetupClick end object MI_Headers: TMenuItem Caption = '&Mail Headers' object MI_From: TMenuItem Caption = '&Sender Address' OnClick = PM_replytoClick end object MI_ReplyTo: TMenuItem Tag = 1 Caption = '&ReplyTo Address' OnClick = PM_replytoClick end object MI_BCC: TMenuItem Tag = 2 Caption = '&Blind CC (bcc)' OnClick = PM_replytoClick end end object MU_ShowAttachBox: TMenuItem Caption = 'Sho&w Attach Box' OnClick = MU_ShowAttachBoxClick end object N5: TMenuItem Caption = '-' end object M_AttachPos: TMenuItem Caption = '&Attach Position' object M_APleft: TMenuItem Caption = '&Left side' GroupIndex = 3 RadioItem = True OnClick = M_APbottomClick end object M_APright: TMenuItem Tag = 1 Caption = '&Right side' GroupIndex = 3 RadioItem = True OnClick = M_APbottomClick end object M_APbottom: TMenuItem Tag = 2 Caption = '&Bottom' Checked = True GroupIndex = 3 RadioItem = True OnClick = M_APbottomClick end end end object M_Format: TMenuItem Caption = '&Format' object M_Options_Text: TMenuItem Caption = '&Text Format Message' Checked = True GroupIndex = 1 RadioItem = True OnClick = M_Options_TextClick end object M_Options_HTML: TMenuItem Tag = 1 Caption = '&HTML Format Message' GroupIndex = 1 RadioItem = True OnClick = M_Options_TextClick end object N19: TMenuItem Caption = '-' GroupIndex = 1 end object MI_Format_Handwrite: TMenuItem Caption = 'Handwrite &Format Message' GroupIndex = 1 ImageIndex = 66 Visible = False OnClick = MI_Format_HandwriteClick end object M_Format_Template: TMenuItem Caption = 'Tem&plate' Enabled = False GroupIndex = 1 Visible = False object M_Template_None: TMenuItem Caption = '&None' end object N20: TMenuItem Caption = '-' end end end object M_Options: TMenuItem Caption = '&Options' OnClick = M_OptionsClick object M_Wordwrap: TMenuItem Caption = '&Wordwrap' GroupIndex = 1 ShortCut = 16471 OnClick = M_WordwrapClick end object M_FullScreenEdit: TMenuItem Caption = '&Full Screen Edit' GroupIndex = 1 OnClick = M_FullScreenEditClick end object M_overwrite: TMenuItem Caption = 'O&verwrite' GroupIndex = 1 ShortCut = 45 OnClick = M_overwriteClick end object MU_EnterSpace: TMenuItem Caption = 'Auto &Indent' GroupIndex = 1 OnClick = MU_EnterSpaceClick end object N28: TMenuItem Caption = '-' GroupIndex = 1 end object M_ReadReceipt: TMenuItem Caption = 'Request Read Receipt' GroupIndex = 1 OnClick = M_ReadReceiptClick end object N8: TMenuItem Caption = '-' GroupIndex = 1 end object M_preferences: TMenuItem Caption = 'Editor &Preferences...' GroupIndex = 1 ImageIndex = 88 OnClick = M_preferencesClick end object MU_ConvertCharacters: TMenuItem Caption = 'ConvertCharacters' GroupIndex = 1 OnClick = MU_ConvertCharactersClick object MU_Define: TMenuItem Caption = 'Default' OnClick = MU_KSCClick end object N14: TMenuItem Caption = '-' end object MU_usascii: TMenuItem Caption = 'US-ASCII' OnClick = MU_KSCClick end object MU_iso88591: TMenuItem Caption = 'ISO-8859-1' OnClick = MU_KSCClick end object N15: TMenuItem Caption = '-' end object MU_GB2312: TMenuItem Caption = 'GB2312' OnClick = MU_KSCClick end object MU_Big5: TMenuItem Caption = 'Big5' OnClick = MU_KSCClick end object MU_SJis: TMenuItem Caption = 'S-Jis' OnClick = MU_KSCClick end object MU_KSC: TMenuItem Caption = 'KSC' OnClick = MU_KSCClick end end end object M_tools: TMenuItem Caption = '&Tools' OnClick = M_toolsClick object M_Tools_SMS: TMenuItem Caption = '&Sms Bar' OnClick = M_Tools_SMSClick end object M_activeaccount: TMenuItem Caption = '&Active Account' ImageIndex = 42 end object N12: TMenuItem Caption = '-' end object M_GBvsBIG5: TMenuItem object M_BIG5toGB: TMenuItem ShortCut = 118 OnClick = M_BIG5toGBClick end object M_GBtoBIG5: TMenuItem Tag = 1 ShortCut = 119 OnClick = M_BIG5toGBClick end end end end object ILlarge: TImageList Height = 32 Width = 32 Left = 96 Top = 261 end object PM_attach: TPopupMenu OnPopup = PM_attachPopup Left = 80 Top = 333 object MI_add: TMenuItem Caption = '&Add...' OnClick = SB_attachClick end object MI_remove: TMenuItem Caption = '&Remove' OnClick = MI_removeClick end object N3: TMenuItem Caption = '-' end object MI_open: TMenuItem Caption = '&Open' OnClick = MI_openClick end object N4: TMenuItem Caption = '-' end object MI_view: TMenuItem Caption = '&View' object MI_largeicon: TMenuItem Caption = '&Large Icon' GroupIndex = 1 RadioItem = True OnClick = MI_listClick end object MI_smallicon: TMenuItem Tag = 1 Caption = '&Small Icon' GroupIndex = 1 RadioItem = True OnClick = MI_listClick end object MI_list: TMenuItem Tag = 2 Caption = 'L&ist' GroupIndex = 1 RadioItem = True OnClick = MI_listClick end end end object ILsmall: TImageList Left = 40 Top = 289 end object DFT_BODY: TDropFileTarget Dragtypes = [dtCopy, dtMove, dtLink] GetDataOnEnter = False OnDrop = DFT_BODYDrop Left = 12 Top = 261 end object DFT_LV: TDropFileTarget Dragtypes = [dtCopy, dtMove, dtLink] GetDataOnEnter = False OnDrop = DFT_BODYDrop Left = 68 Top = 261 end object PM_editor: TPopupMenu OnPopup = PM_editorPopup Left = 12 Top = 289 object MI_attach: TMenuItem Caption = '&Add attachment...' OnClick = SB_attachClick end object N9: TMenuItem Caption = '-' end object MI_undo: TMenuItem Caption = '&Undo' OnClick = M_undoClick end object N10: TMenuItem Caption = '-' end object MI_copy: TMenuItem Tag = 1 Caption = '&Copy' OnClick = SB_cutClick end object MI_cut: TMenuItem Caption = '&Cut' OnClick = SB_cutClick end object MI_paste: TMenuItem Tag = 2 Caption = '&Paste' OnClick = SB_cutClick end object N11: TMenuItem Caption = '-' end object MI_property: TMenuItem Caption = '&Editor Property...' OnClick = M_preferencesClick end object PI_Charset: TMenuItem Caption = '&Convert Characters' OnClick = PI_CharsetClick object PM_Define: TMenuItem Caption = '&Default' OnClick = PM_KSCClick end object N16: TMenuItem Caption = '-' end object PM_usascii: TMenuItem Caption = 'US-ASCII' OnClick = MU_KSCClick end object PM_ISO88591: TMenuItem Caption = 'ISO-8859-1' OnClick = MU_KSCClick end object N17: TMenuItem Caption = '-' end object PM_GB2312: TMenuItem Caption = 'GB2312' OnClick = PM_KSCClick end object PM_Big5: TMenuItem Caption = 'Big5' OnClick = PM_KSCClick end object PM_SJis: TMenuItem Caption = 'S-Jis' OnClick = PM_KSCClick end object PM_KSC: TMenuItem Caption = 'KSC' OnClick = PM_KSCClick end end end object Language: TLanguage LangCenter = DM_Language.LangCenter ResStrings.Strings = ( '0010=Compose' '0011=Message modified, save it?' '0012=The email address is correct' '0100=Save ok!' '0101=Save False!' '0102=Overwrite' '0103=Ins.' '0110=Warning: You will lost all the format information in this m' + 'essage' '0111=if you change its format from HTML to plain text.' '0112=Select "Yes" to continue.' '0120=Sorry, HTML formatted email editing need IE5 installed. So' + ' you will not able to use this function before you install IE5.' '0130=The spelling check is complete.' '0132=You have not set icon in your account property' '0133=File not found: ' '0135=Sorry, you can send to only one recipient when Mail Express' '0136=HTML page is still in loading now.') OnTranslated = LanguageTranslated Left = 72 Top = 232 end object ToolBar_PopMenu: TPopupMenu Left = 153 Top = 237 object PM_ToolBarSetup: TMenuItem Caption = 'ToolBar Set&up' end end object Timer1: TTimer Enabled = False Interval = 10000 OnTimer = Timer1Timer Left = 252 Top = 232 end object DFT_LV2: TDropFileTarget Dragtypes = [dtCopy, dtMove, dtLink] GetDataOnEnter = False OnDrop = DFT_BODYDrop Left = 136 Top = 253 end object PM_Accounts: TPopupMenu OnPopup = PM_AccountsPopup Left = 512 Top = 60 end object Timer2: TTimer Interval = 60000 OnTimer = Timer2Timer Left = 328 Top = 232 end object PM_Styles: TPopupMenu AutoHotkeys = maManual Left = 211 Top = 236 end object FormEx1: TFormEx Left = 464 Top = 56 end object PM_FoxmailIcon: TPopupMenu Left = 465 Top = 104 object ClearMessageIcon1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Clear Message Icon' OnClick = ClearMessageIcon1Click end object N22: TMenuItem Caption = '-' end object LoadDefaultIcon1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Load Default Icon' OnClick = LoadDefaultIcon1Click end end object PM_Browser: TPopupMenu OnPopup = PM_BrowserPopup Left = 297 Top = 305 object PI_ViewSource: TMenuItem Caption = 'View Source' Visible = False OnClick = PI_ViewSourceClick end object N27: TMenuItem Caption = '-' Visible = False end object PI_AddAttach: TMenuItem AutoHotkeys = maManual Caption = 'Add Attachment' OnClick = SB_attachClick end object N23: TMenuItem Caption = '-' end object PI_Undo: TMenuItem Caption = 'Undo' ShortCut = 16474 OnClick = PI_UndoClick end object PI_Redo: TMenuItem Caption = 'Redo' OnClick = PI_RedoClick end object N24: TMenuItem Caption = '-' end object PI_Cut: TMenuItem Caption = 'Cut' ShortCut = 16472 OnClick = PI_CutClick end object PI_Copy: TMenuItem Caption = 'Copy' ShortCut = 16451 OnClick = PI_CopyClick end object PI_Paste: TMenuItem Caption = 'Paste' ShortCut = 16470 OnClick = PI_PasteClick end object N25: TMenuItem Caption = '-' end object PI_SelectAll: TMenuItem Caption = 'Select All' ShortCut = 16449 OnClick = PI_SelectAllClick end object PI_Find: TMenuItem Caption = 'Find' OnClick = PI_FindClick end object N26: TMenuItem Caption = '-' end object PI_RemoveLink: TMenuItem Caption = 'Remove Hyperlink' OnClick = PI_RemoveLinkClick end object PI_RemoveFormat: TMenuItem Caption = 'Remove Text Format' OnClick = PI_RemoveFormatClick end end end